Statistical Modelling

Planning hip reconstruction in patients with large acetabular defects is difficult due to the lack of anatomical landmarks, as a result of the deformed anatomy and contralateral hip being often replaced.

Statistical Shape Models (SSMs) are mathematical models that can be used to successfully reconstruct the absent bony landmarks of diseased anatomies regardless of the severity of the defects.

SSMs are important tools to estimate the original position of the hip joint centre prior to the development of the bony defect, and it is a valid starting point for engineers to design customised implants for the treatment of patients with large acetabular defects.

Our Publications

Statistical Shape Modelling of the Large Acetabular Defect in Hip Revision Surgery

Statistical Shape Modelling of the Large Acetabular Defect in Hip Revision Surgery

Hip reconstruction in patients with large acetabular defects is challenging due to their lack of anatomical landmarks, the result of the deformed anatomy and the contralateral hip being often replaced. In addition, failed implants can create metal artefacts that obscure bony readings from CT scans, making 3D reconstruction challenging. The SSM workflow in this case study overcomes these limitations by successfully reconstructing the absent bony landmarks of diseased anatomies, regardless of the severity of the defects.